Real data for selecting the genes on chromosome 10 for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::GTEx.PrCa.betas.gwas
Real data for selecting the genes on chromosome 10 for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::GTEx.PrCa.betas.se.gwas
Real data for selecting the genes on chromosome 10 for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::GTEx.PrCa.inclusion.indicator
Real data for selecting the genes on chromosome 10 for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::GTEx.PrCa.marginal.A
Real data for selecting the genes on chromosome 10 for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::GTEx.PrCa.marginal.A.se
Real data for selecting the genes on chromosome 10 for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::GTEx.PrCa.pvalues.gwas
Real data for selecting the genes on chromosome 10 for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::MI.marginal.Amatrix
Example data of hJAMhJAM::PrCa.lipids.Amatrix
Real data for selecting the metabolites for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::PrCa.lipids.betas.gwas
Real data for selecting the metabolites for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::PrCa.lipids.betas.se.gwas
Real data for selecting the metabolites for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::PrCa.lipids.maf.gwas
Real data for selecting the metabolites for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::PrCa.lipids.marginal.Amatrix
Real data for selecting the metabolites for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::PrCa.lipids.pvalue.gwas
Real data for selecting the metabolites for the risk of prostate cancerhJAM::Simulation.betas.gwas
Simulation data for EN-hJAMhJAM::Simulation.betas.se.gwas
Simulation data for EN-hJAMhJAM::Simulation.maf.gwas
Simulation data for EN-hJAMmethcon5::fake_methylation
Simple simulated methylation datasetpartition::baxter_clinical
Microbiome datapartition::baxter_data_dictionary
Microbiome data